Dive and Dive is proud to be part of Dive Industry of Victoria Association Inc. for over 20 Years.
The team that are creating events and maintaining a wonderful and safe scuba diving experience here in Victoria.
DIVA is the diving community voice on issues affecting the Victorian dive industry and the Victorian diving environment.
Our Mission:
The Dive Industry Association of Victoria (DIVA) was established to promote the sport of diving in Victoria and to support Victorians involved in the diving industry. DIVA strives to achieve this by;
- Promoting the benefits of diver training and continuing education
- Promoting Victoria as a diving tourist destination nationally and internationally
- Encouraging divers to become active and develop responsibility for their diving environment by promoting underwater clean up events and marine pest collection dives
- Educating the public on safety and environmental issues
- Acting on concerns raised by the public or by those involved with the diving industry that may affect the sport of diving in Victoria
- Encouraging those involved with diving activities to operate to high levels of safety standards through the use of the Victorian Code of Practice and to encourage members to adopt hight levels of moral and ethical conduct
- Liaison with Government bodies and authorities on marine conservation, environmental issues and other matters that affect the diving industry and the sport of diving in Victoria
- Providing a source of information and assistance to those within the Victorian diving industry.